Types of Facial Trauma

The most common types of facial trauma include:

  • Fractured facial bones (cheeks, nose, forehead, or eye sockets)
  • Broken or fractured teeth
  • Facial lacerations
  • Intraoral lacerations
  • Fractured jaws (upper or lower)

Treatment Options for Facial Trauma

If you have suffered facial trauma, the recommended treatment will depend on the nature of the injury. For example, patients who have sustained soft tissue injuries – such as facial or intraoral lacerations – typically receive stitches to repair the areas of concern. An experienced surgeon will use strategic suture placement to minimize scarring. He or she will also take special care to assess and treat surrounding structures, such as nerves, salivary ducts, and salivary glands.

Those who have sustained broken facial bones will require surgery, which may involve extractions, bone grafts, and other treatments. The specific methods recommended will be determined by the severity and location of the fracture as well as the age and overall health of the patient.

When you break an arm or a leg, a cast is used to stabilize the bones. Since a cast cannot be applied to the face, other methods of stabilization must be employed. In oral surgery, medical-grade plates and screws are used to hold the bones in their appropriate positions. This technique, called rigid fixation, helps promote proper healing and eliminates the need for wiring the jaws together.

Dr. Lifferth has the experience and qualifications to help you look as much like you did before the injury as possible.

Why Choose an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon?

When facial injuries occur, patients not only experience physical discomfort, but also emotional trauma. It is important to trust your care to a trained and experienced oral surgeon who can minimize the lasting effects of the injury. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are the specialists who are most qualified to treat this type of trauma. Dr. Lifferth uses only the most advanced and conservative methods to minimize the number of incisions and the appearance of scars, helping you look as much like you did before the injury as possible. In many cases, he may detect a “hidden” injury that may have gone unnoticed otherwise.  We are certified to provide intravenous (IV) sedation to optimize your comfort during treatment. 

Contact Park City Oral Surgery

If you or someone in your family has suffered facial trauma of any kind, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lifferth. He can perform a comprehensive assessment and recommend an appropriate treatment plan for your situation. To learn more, or to schedule a visit at Park City Oral Surgery, call us at (435) 222-0450 or contact us online anytime.